
I know, my title says copywriter, but really I’m just an insightful explainer of, well, whatever you need expressed. Fresh metaphors come naturally to me, which is probably why I became a copywriter in the first place. I have good insights, and I know what will make sense to people — and what won’t. I’m good at coming up with novel ways to make your point. I make what’s complicated clear and I can turn something inherently dry into something worth reading.

Beyond that, I digest and absorb even complex creative briefs quickly and, in little time, proffer concepts and executions that are strategically dead on. Whether consumer, pharma or B2B — in print, digital and broadcast — I come up with creative solutions both compelling and memorable. I’m also a solid presenter of work, both internally and to client. Guess those improv classes at Second City were worth it.

What else? I’m a classic film buff, I can ride a bike 100 miles in a day (if I work up to it); I do voiceovers. I enjoy theater, books, jazz and I was at Shea the night the Mets scored nine runs with two outs in the bottom of the 8th. And, while you wouldn’t know it from reading this, I’m funny. Okay… at the very least, mildly amusing.

If you want to know more, check out the work. Then contact me.